Monday, 19 September 2011

BaCk tO bOoKs

It may be exciting or nervous to go back to college after either a long holiday or a long semester break, especially if going back to college means starting a new year of your honors or starting a study session with people you have never met. Having a feeling that it is not yet time to go back to books is not a problem. A long relaxing holiday can make you lazy or your internship that you took during the vacation could be more enthusiastic that you feel it is yet not the time to go back to books. But eventually there is no escape when it comes to time; time to go back.

It is not awkward to have a feeling that you need a fresh and different look for the new semester or the new academic year. It’s always about the first impression, right?

Welcome to all those starting the new academic year for this late midyear! And for those who flunked the previous semester exams due to various reasons, or ended up doing re-sitting exam or had an year repeated, it’s the time to buck up and start over.

Back to books and best of luck with the books!