Sunday, 19 April 2009

EaRtH hOuR 2009

Earth hour’ is a global initiative supported by the World Wild life Fund (WWF) to raise awareness about global warming and climate change. The World Scout Association has pledged to support this program and as such all member countries would be taking active part in this program.

This campaign started in 2007 in Australia where over two million people participated. This number increased to over fifty million in the proceeding year: and this year marks the first time the Maldives would be participating in this global celebration. The aim of this year is to seek the participation of one billion people: one billion people to vote for the Earth and against global warming.

‘Earth Hour 2009’ calls upon all lights (unless they are absolutely necessary) to be turned off from 20:30 – 21:30 hrs on the 28 of March 2009. Every switch that is turned off for this moment would be considered as a vote for Earth and a vote saying no to global warming. The basic aim of this program, besides raising awareness, is to reduce the consumption of electricity and with it the use of fossil fuels and its corresponding release of greenhouse gases.

The organizers of ‘Earth Hour 2009’ would like to see the participation of as many people as possible. Your votes would be presented to world leaders gathering at Copenhagen for the Conference on Climate Change later this year. This is your opportunity to have your voices and concerns regarding climate change heard on a global platform.

The Scout Association of Maldives in close collaboration with the Ministry of Housing, Transport and Environment is taking the lead in organizing this event in Maldives. Many programs across the country has been planned to mark the event and reach across to as many people as possible. This is an opportunity for all to take individual action in combating climate change. To make this a successful event and to show the world how much of a concern climate change is to the Maldivians, the active participation from all government sectors, individuals, NGOs, private and public sector, resorts and schools is required.

Across the world ‘’Earth Hour’ has become a time to celebrate with family and loved ones, spreading information about the issue. As such during ‘Earth Hour 2009’ a variety show has been planned at the Artificial Beach Area. The Scout Association of the Maldives strongly urges all islands to plan such an event, gathering the local community to mark this historic event. The Ministry of Home Affairs has assured the full support of all Island Offices, and the Ministry of Education has also rendered its full support on behalf of all School in Maldives for this event.